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Showing posts with the label Perl-style regular expressions

Perl-style regular expressions(preg_split )

• preg_split -                     This Perl-style function is equivalent to the split() function previously discussed with the exception of allowing Perl-style regular expressions. The third optional component of the preg_split() function can be entered to limit the number of changes that take place. Failing to enter a numeric limit (or a -1), ensures that there is no limit on the changes that can take place. <?php $csv_text = "5, \"Amsterdam\", \"NLD\", \"Noord-Holland\", 731200"; $csv_array = preg_split("/\,/",$csv_text); foreach ($csv_array as $csv_column) { print "$csv_column<br>"; } ?> The script above creates an array called $csv_row that contains the following element: [0] = 5, [1]="Amsterdam", [2]="NLD", [3]="Noord-Holland", [4]=731200). The foreach iterative control statement prints each of these elements on the screen on their own lines. A third component...

Perl-style regular expressions( preg_replace_callback)

• preg_replace_callback() -                                            With preg_replace(), the function itself is responsible for handling the replacement procedure. With preg_replace_callback(), the handling of the replacement procedure is handed off to another function to take care of. The syntax is identical to preg_replace() except where the replacement text would be located, a function name is present. This function is responsible for handling any of the replacement changes to the text that matches the pattern searched. <?php $text = "Dear <pnm>S</pnm>Ortiz,<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I would like to thank you and <pnf>F</pnf>Picard for taking the time in talking to me today. Please feel free to contact me if you have any additional questions.<br>Sincerely,<br><pnm>E</pnm>Bob Riker"; fu...

Perl-style regular expressions( preg_replace)

• preg_replace() -                              This Perl-syntax function is equivalent to the ereg_replace() function. This function works by replacing all occurrences of the pattern searched with the replacement characters and then returns the modified result. The fourth parameter is optional, but when a number is entered it determines how many occurrences of the pattern searched will be replaced. If no number is entered, all occurrences of the search pattern will be replaced. <?php $url = "MySQL"; print preg_replace("/http:\/\/(.*)/","<a href=\"\${0}\">\${0}</a>", $url); ?> The script above changes the http reference to be replaced with the HTML code required to create a web link. The three components of this function include the pattern to search for ("/http:\/\/(.*)/"), the replacement string ("<a href=\"\${0}\">\${0}</a>") and then finally...

More on Perl-style regular expressions

• preg_match_all() -                                This function is similar to preg_match(); however, rather than searching for just one occurrence of the search parameter, this function will find all occurrences. In addition, each occurrence found will be placed into an array variable entered into the third input parameter. The array created will contain various sections of the subpatterns contained in the search pattern. Just like preg_match(), if there is a match, the function returns a TRUE, if the regular expression does not find a match, a FALSE is returned. <?php $text = "mysql_close, mysql_connect and mysql_error are all PHP functions used when working with MySQL."; if (preg_match_all("/mysql\w+/",$text,$mysql_commands) { print_r($mysql_commands); } else { print "No mysql commands were found"; } ?> • preg_quote() -                 ...