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Showing posts with the label gc_divisor

Session Handling Configuration Options

By default, the time that a session handler remains on the client side is set to 0, meaning that the session identifier will be "lost" when the web browser that initiated the original session handler page is shut down. This can be changed in the php.ini file by the configuration setting of session.cookie_lifetime. This is one of many configuration options that must be considered when setting up session handling for the specific instance of PHP: • session.save_handler - This configuration options defines the method in which the storage of the session will be handled. There are three options to choose from: o files - This method is the default and the most common. When this setting is set, the session handler uses files on the operating system to track the session information. o mm - This method stores the session information in shared RAM. Of the three, this option is the fastest but also the most volatile. o user - This method refers to using user-defined func...