Numbers can be exact-value literals or approximate-value literals. Exact-value literals are used just as given in SQL statements when possible and thus are not subject to the inexactness produced by rounding error. On the other hand, approximate-value literals are subject to rounding error and may not necessarily be used exactly as given. Exact-value literals are written with no exponent. Approximate-value literals are written in scientific notation with an exponent. For example, the numeric values -43, 368.93, and .00214 are exact values, whereas -4.3E1, 3.6893E2, and 2.14E-3 are approximate values. Even though the two sets of numbers look like they have the same values, internally they are represented in different ways: • Exact-value numbers - These numbers are integer values with no fractional part after the ...
“The best way to be ready for the future is to invent it.”— John Sculley