1. Login in to the mysql client using the login name and password provided by your instructor (if not already logged in). 2. In the photo_album databases, load the /tmp/photo_album.sql.data file into the database. USE photo_album; SOURCE /tmp/photo_album.sql; 3. Perform an aggregate select against each table to count the number of records located in each table. SELECT COUNT(*) FROM customers; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM comments; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM images; SELECT COUNT(*) FROM logins; 4. Using the customers table, list the customers who are active from closest to farthest termination date (term_date). SELECT * FROM customers WHERE active_customer='True' ORDER BY term_date ASC; 5. Using the logins table, list those with active logins and have logged in during the month of April 2007. SELECT * FROM logins WHERE active_login='True' && last_login LIKE '2007-04%'; 6. Using the images table, list the active images names from the most ...
“The best way to be ready for the future is to invent it.”— John Sculley