• preg_match_all() - This function is similar to preg_match(); however, rather than searching for just one occurrence of the search parameter, this function will find all occurrences. In addition, each occurrence found will be placed into an array variable entered into the third input parameter. The array created will contain various sections of the subpatterns contained in the search pattern. Just like preg_match(), if there is a match, the function returns a TRUE, if the regular expression does not find a match, a FALSE is returned. <?php $text = "mysql_close, mysql_connect and mysql_error are all PHP functions used when working with MySQL."; if (preg_match_all("/mysql\w+/",$text,$mysql_commands) { print_r($mysql_commands); } else { print "No mysql commands were found"; } ?> • preg_quote() - ...
“The best way to be ready for the future is to invent it.”— John Sculley