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Showing posts with the label php regular expressions to compare strings

Comparing Strings

As stated, PHP has poweful regular expressions that provide programmers with the tools necessary to complete difficult searching tasks. In addition to this regular expression capability, PHP provides built-in functionality for performing a wide range of string-specific tasks. Many of these tasks are based on string comparison operations. String Length One of the simplest comparison operators of strings is determining if the lengths are equivalent. This involves determining the length of the strings and then acting upon those lengths. The length function built-in to PHP is strlen() and is one of the more widely used string expressions. <?php function chk_passwd($input) { if (strlen($input) < 7) { print "Password is too short"; } else if (strlen($input) > 10) { print "Password is too long"; }else { print "Password is the proper length, proceed<br>"; } } chk_passwd("doggy1"); chk_passwd("Diabolical");...