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Showing posts with the label The Process of Remembering a Visitor


What is Session Handling Hyper Text Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the method on which information is transferred from a server to a client on the world wide web. This protocol is static in nature, that is every request is a new request and no persistence (or memory of a previous transfer) remains within the protocol itself. This has its advantages in the form of safety, the requests by either the client or the server has no long term affects on the other. This provides a level of security that could be related to a friendly acquaintance with each other and no long term affects are felt by the interaction. However, for the application developer (and dare it be said, also for the end user), there are times when a more intimate relationship is needed to add value to the experience. This is where session handling comes in. Basically, when a user interacts with a web page, the application attempts to get to know the person and retain a memory of their visit. Maintaining State I...