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Showing posts with the label how to create a database in mysql

Managing Database Tables

1. Login in to the mysql client using the login name and password provided by your instructor. 2. View the existing databases that the MySQL Server is maintaining. SHOW DATABASES; 3. Utilize the photo_album database. USE photo_album; 4. Create the first table called customers that will store the information related to the customers who have purchased access to the online photo album CREATE TABLE customers ( email_customer VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', f_name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', l_name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', addr1 VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', addr2 VARCHAR(30) NULL, addr_city VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', addr_state CHAR(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', addr_zip CHAR(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', primary_phone CHAR(12) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', secondary_phone CHAR(12) NULL, term_date DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0, active_customer ENUM('True', 'False') NOT NULL DEFAULT ...