The UPDATE statement modifies the contents of the existing records. To use it, name the table needing to be updated, provide a SET clause that lists one or more column value assignments, and optionally specify a WHERE clause that identifies which records to update. The Update statement uses the following general syntax; UPDATE table_name SET column=expression(s) WHERE condition [options]; For example, to update the Country table by doubling the Population column for every country, the following statement would be used; mysql> UPDATE Country -> SET Population = Population * 2; Query OK, 232 rows affected, 1 warning (#.## sec) Rows matched: 239 Changed: 232 Warnings: 1 Note: The above statement returns a warning and completes the update for only most of the rows, but not all. This is because some of the updated numbers exceed the number of characters allowed for that column. The eff...
“The best way to be ready for the future is to invent it.”— John Sculley