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SQL Expressions

1. Login in to the mysql client using the login name and password provided by your instructor (if not already logged in). 2. View the existing databases that the MySQL Server is maintaining. SHOW DATABASES; 3. Utilize the photo_album database. USE photo_album; ---- If Need be, recreate the database and load the SQL data in that will be used for this lab CREATE DATABASE photo_album; SOURCE /tmp/photo_album.sql; 4. Calculate how many days ago each person logged into the photo_album system. Note: Difference in dates are returned in microseconds when directly subtracted from each other. SELECT login_name, ROUND((NOW() - last_login)/24/60/60/60) FROM logins; 5. List the actual day name (Monday, Tuesday, etc.) for the last logins to determine if there is a trend in the day of the week for the last time a person logged into the photo_album system. SELECT login_name, DAYNAME(last_login) FROM logins; 6. Modify the statement above by having the output show 'Weeke...

SQL Expressions

Expressions are a common element of SQL statements,  and they occur in many contexts.  For example,  expressions often occur in the  WHERE clause of  SELECT,  DELETE, or  UPDATE statements to identify  which records to retrieve, delete, or update.  But  expressions may be used in many other places; for  example, in the output column list of a SELECT statement, or in ORDER BY or GROUP BY clauses.   Terms of expressions consist of constants (literal numbers, strings, dates, and times),  NULL values,  references to table columns, and function calls.  Terms may be combined using operators into more  complex expressions.  Many types of operators are available, such as those for arithmetic, comparison, logical, and pattern-matching operations.  Here are some examples of expressions:   •  The following statement refers to table columns to select country names and populations from the...