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Showing posts with the label trim

Modify String Length

When performing the duties of creating/manipulating web content, the PHP programmer will need to modify the lengths of strings, either by padding the strings to be a certain length or removing strings to be a certain length. PHP provides numerous built-in functions to accomplish these tasks. The following are the most common functions for modifying string lengths: • ltrim -          The name of this function identifies its purpose, to trim the string content starting from the left portion of the string. By default, the ltrim() function will remove all white space characters which includes the standard space, the horizontal tab(\t), vertical tab (\x0b), new line (\n), carriage return (\r) and NULL (\0). This function will continue to remove these characters until it reaches a non-white space character and then the function removal process will terminate. <?php $text = \n\t Jane wanted to listen to the troupe play."; print ltrim($text); // The ...