Before going to deep into the creation of tables, it is important to understand the data types that can be used within MySQL. These data types will be assigned to the columns that will make up the MySQL tables and will need to be understood, not only for ensuring the proper data is being stored but also to ensure a database that performs well. One of the biggest problems associated with database performance is poor design, especially in the choice of data type s that are used in the columns. In MySQL the data types available can be broken down into three major categories:
Numeric • Numeric values (Integers, Floating-Point, Fixed-Point and Bit-field)
String • Text or binary data
Temporal • Time and dates
Within each category there are numerous specific data types that use varying amounts of memory and disk space, thus having varying effects on performance. Choosing the best data type for the column has a rather small effect on performance in an individual record, but as the database grows these small effects can lead to larger effects. This should be taken into accoun t early in the design process, before they become performance issues.
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