When it comes to commenting code, the consensus is it is necessary but the reality is it rarely is done. It has been said that commenting code is like cleaning the bathroom - no one ever wants to do it but a clean bathroom creates a more pleasant experience for all that will need to use it. There are many types of commenting strategies with each having advantages and disadvantages over each other. The key is to comment, how that is accomplished is best worked within a team environment and calls for a great deal of flexibility. The following are types of typical commenting that should be considered along with how they would be implemented inside of PHP code:
This form of commenting is not considered traditional commenting (in the sense of creating remarks to support the code) but is closer related to good programming design principles. This best practice approach
to coding involves using coding names that describe the action that is taking place.
echo "hello";
//this is a comment
echo " there";
These examples show that the variable or function name give a description of what is being performed. Before abbreviating any code identifiers, make sure that they are descriptive enough so that others who would need to read the code would understand their meaning upon first glance. Any time that needs to be devoted to deciphering a given naming convention is clearly a waste of time and should be considered over any advantage of minimizing the extra key strokes required by the initial programmers.
InLine Commenting
The most basic form of commenting is that which is referred to as inline or single line commenting. This
type of commenting has its history in C++ and has become the standard approach to commenting for many
programmers (when they comment). PHP supports this type of commenting by using two consecutive
forward slashes (//) preceding any comments added.
//This is a comment
This is
a comment
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