With iterative control statements, PHP provides two means of manually interrupting the flow of the loops.These two commands include break (which has already been used in examples up to this point) and continue. The following example demonstrates how these two loop interrupts can be used in iterative
control statements:
for ($test=1; $test < 10; $test = $test + 1) {
if ($test==3) continue;
if ($test==6) break;
echo "The test number is $test<br>";
The following output would be displayed when this PHP script was run:
The test number is 1
The test number is 2
The test number is 4
The test number is 5
When the $test variable was equal to 3, the script skipped the remain code and performed the next iteration of the for function. This resulted in the number 3 not being printed. In addition, when the $test variable was equal to 6, the break function ended the for function thus resulting in the remainder of the script being missed resulting in the number 6 not being printed.
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