Case sensitivity is an issue that the programmer (and the end user) must deal with. Everything from
commands to passwords are affected by case sensitivity. In PHP there are four functions that provide the
tools to deal with the case sensitivity issue by allowing the string case to be manipulated.
• strtolower -
This string case manipulation function converts all characters that are uppercase
characters to lowercase characters.
$text = "MySQL http://WWW.MYSQL.COM";
print strtolower($text);
// Returns "mysql";
• strtoupper -
This string case manipulation function converts all characters that are lowercase
characters to uppercase characters.
$text = "MySQL http://WWW.MYSQL.COM";
print strtoupper($text);
• ucfirst -
This string case manipulation function converts only the first character of the string to
uppercase. The remaining characters are left alone.
$text = "mysql";
print ucfirst($text);
// Returns "Mysql ";
• ucwords -
This string case manipulation function converts the first character of each word in the
string to uppercase. The remaining characters in each word are left alone.
$text = "my mother said to pick the very best one and ...";
print ucwords($text);
// Returns "My Mother Said To Pick The Very Best One And ...";
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