1. Login in to the mysql client using the login name and password provided by your instructor (if
not already logged in).
2. View the existing databases that the MySQL Server is maintaining.
3. Utilize the photo_album database.
USE photo_album;
---- If Need be, recreate the database and load the SQL data
in that will be used for this lab
CREATE DATABASE photo_album;
SOURCE /tmp/photo_album.sql;
4. Search the customers records for the customer with the following e-mail address:
SELECT * FROM customers WHERE email_customer ='hollywood@truedog.com'\G
5. Search the logins records for logins associated with the customer identified in step 4.
SELECT * FROM logins WHERE email_customer ='hollywood@truedog.com';
6. In the customers table, update the customers e-mail address, identified in step 4, to
UPDATE customers SET email_customer = 'howleewood@truedog.com'
WHERE email_customer = 'hollywood@truedog.com';
7. Review the customers records to see if the change (from step 6) took place. If the update did
not take place, reissue the statement in step 6 to ensure the change takes place?
SELECT * FROM customers WHERE email_customer ='howleewood@truedog.com'\G
8. Review the logins table to see if the e-mails associated with the customer in step 6 were also
changed. If the e-mail associated with that customer were also changed in the logins table,
SELECT * FROM logins WHERE email_customer ='howleewood@truedog.com'\G
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